We are also there for you in USA, Canada, Mexico. The doctor’s fee in USA, Canada, Mexico is generally agreed upon between you and the doctor, with prices varying considerably. It is therefore imperative that you contact MedCare prior to consulting a doctor and, in particular, prior to any hospital treatment.
MedCare International Inc. 12480 West Atlantic Blvd, Suite 2, Coral Springs, FL 33071, USA, tel.: +1 954.345.5650, Fax: +1 954.340.4245 e-mail: care-concept@medcareinternational.com, Internet: www.MedCareInternational.com
MedCare will help you find a doctor, organize medical assistance, answer any questions you might have about the health care system and offer you other assistance. It also issues declarations of cost coverage after having reviewed claims. So in addition to finding a qualified doctor, you will also be safeguarded against any unnecessary financial burdens. |