Ihr zuverlässiger Partner für
     Krankenversicherung im Ausland

Care Concept Auslandskrankenversicherung FAQ FAQ

Information about our partner program (referrer system, affiliate program)

We offer you the possibility to earn commissions with your online presence in a very simple way. All you have to do is enter into an agency contract/framework agreement with us and integrate or link our product pages into your own website.

The links to the blank pages [white-label pages] lead to special product pages that have been designed to be integrated into our partners’ existing websites. For this purpose, the obvious mention of the site operator (Care Concept AG) was avoided and a quite neutral design chosen, which can even be adapted to your own site design by creating a customized css file.

This way we ensure that your customer remains on your website (we recommend the integration into a frame) and also, during a later visit, your and not our site is called up from the favorites. Furthermore, there is the possibility to be informed via email about every policy purchased. All you have to do is integrate your e-mail into the link, as indicated.

Technical implementation / security

If the customer reaches our product page via your link, your agent number and, if entered, your e-mail will be saved in a session cookie. When coverage is taken out, this entry ensures that your agent number is entered into the contract/policy details. For security reasons, we store and transfer the agent number using two different methods (link attachments and session cookies) and thus ensure that your referral is taken into account in every case. In contrast to cookies, the use of session cookies cannot be prevented by the user. Removing the number from the “agent number field” at a later date has no negative effects whatsoever, since the agent number is also transmitted secretly (hidden) with each request.

Request support from the webmaster

If you need assistance with the installation, have improvement suggestions or technical questions regarding the procedure, our internet team will be happy to help you via e-mail (webmaster@care-concept.de) in German, English or Spanish. You can reach our internet team by telephone Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm at: +49-228-97735-77.

Integration of the contents of Care Concept AG, advertising material, plan overview

In the Service/Partner Program section you will find information you need to integrate content and our plan overview as well as information on advertising material!

© Care Concept AG 2025

Care Concept AG
Ihr zuverlässiger Partner für Krankenversicherung im Ausland
