Ihr zuverlässiger Partner für
     Krankenversicherung im Ausland
General questions
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Designelement 1 zum FAQ
Designelement 1 zum FAQ
Designelement 1 zum FAQ
Care College Basic/Care College Comfort/Care College Premium.
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Designelement 1 zum FAQ
 Care Au-Pair
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 Care Economy
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Designelement 1 zum FAQ
When does my international health insurance coverage start?

Your coverage officially begins once we receive the properly completed application form along with your payment (i.e. receipt of payment required). We therefore recommend payment by direct debit, i.e. we debit the payments due directly from your account.

When will I receive my confirmation of coverage by regular mail?

You will not receive the insurance policy by mail. You can download your insurance policy at any time in our My Care Concept customer portal.

Do you also insure Germans in Germany?

As we have specialised in health insurance for travel abroad, we cannot insure Germans in Germany on a permanent basis. Depending on the plan selected, however, short-term stays in the home country are also insured, e.g. in Care College.

How can I terminate my insurance coverage? How far in advance does one have to give notice?

How can I terminate my insurance coverage? How far in advance does one have to give notice? A termination of your policy is possible if you:

  1. insure yourself with a public health insurance provider, e.g. AOK, TK or DAK;
  2. leave Germany/abroad again;
  3. stay in Germany/abroad forever; or
  4. are no longer eligible for coverage.

Your notice of termination must be made in writing (e-mail, fax, regular mail) or via our My Care Concept Kundenportal or Online Service-Portal and must include appropriate proof (e.g. a copy of the flight ticket, confirmation of public health insurance coverage or a written explanation by the insured person stating the end of the stay abroad, the date of departure and the means of transport).
Under these conditions, the termination can be carried out retroactively for a maximum of 4 weeks and in the case of mandatory insurance for a maximum of 3 months; no advanced period of notice is necessary (see also premium refund).
Please use our My Care Concept Kundenportal or Service Portal for policy terminations:
My Care Concept Kundenportal / Online Service-Portal.

Are premiums refunded in the event of termination?

Any premiums paid in excess will be refunded less a processing fee of EUR 5.00 to the day.

How can I extend my policy?

An extension must be requested in writing (My Care Concept Kundenportal, e-mail, fax, regular mail) before the original duration of coverage expires. Whether the extension is carried out will be decided on a case-by-case basis and depends on the development of the insured risk (costs incurred or medical bills submitted). You will be informed in writing of the decision on your application for extension and, if necessary, you will receive a new confirmation of insurance coverage. Please use our My Care Concept Kundenportal / online Service Portal for policy extensions.

What happens if I entered the country more than 31 days ago?

You must apply for insurance coverage before you leave the country or within one year of entering the country. If entry is more than 31 days prior to the start of the coverage, a waiting period of 31 days is stipulated, during which the insurance coverage is limited to accidents that have occurred. The waiting period does not apply if you can provide us with proof of prior insurance coverage immediately before the commencement of coverage.

Do I have to inform you if I have moved or other contact details have changed?

If your address or bank details have changed, you should inform us immediately via our My Care Concept Kundenportal or online Service Portal so that we can contact you in the event of any queries. Please also inform us if you become a citizen or permanent resident of the country of destination or if you should lose your residency permit in that country.

Care College Basic / Care College Comfort / Care College Premium

What are the main differences between Care College Basic, Care College Comfort and Care College Premium?
Care College Basic/-Comfort/-Premium -
Alle Leistungen auf einen Blick*
Leistungen* Care College Basic Care College Comfort Care College Premium
Basic: Online-Antrag Comfort: Online-Antrag Premium: Online-Antrag
ambulante Behandlung beim Arzt Basic: Ja Comfort: Ja Premium: Ja
ärztlich verordnete Medikamente und Krankentransporte Basic: Ja Comfort: Ja Premium: Ja
stationäre Behandlung im Krankenhaus Basic: Ja Comfort: Ja Premium: Ja
schmerzstillende Zahnbehandlung Basic: Ja bis 500,– EUR/ Versicherungsjahr Comfort: Ja bis 750,– EUR/ Versicherungsjahr Premium: Jabis 1.250,– EUR/ Versicherungsjahr
Zahnersatzkosten (in 2 Versicherungsjahren; Wartezeit 8 Monate) Basic: - Comfort: Ja50 % bis 500,– EUR Premium: Ja70 % bis 1.000,– EUR
unfallbedingter Zahnersatz Basic: - Comfort: Ja bis 1.000,– EUR Premium: Ja bis 2.500,– EUR
ärztlich verordnete Hilfsmittel nach einem Unfall (einfache Ausführung) Basic: Jabis 250,– EUR/ Versicherungsjahr Comfort: Ja bis 500,– EUR/ Versicherungsjahr Premium: Ja zu 100 %
Heilmittel Basic: Jabis 250,– EUR/ Versicherungsjahr Comfort: Jabis 500,– EUR/ Versicherungsjahr Premium: Jabis 1.500,– EUR/ Versicherungsjahr
Sehhilfen (bis 100,– EUR; Wartezeit 3 Monate) Basic: - Comfort: - Premium: Ja
Mehrkosten eines medizinisch sinnvollen Rücktransports Basic: Jabis 10.000,– EUR Comfort: Jazu 100 % Premium: Jazu 100 %
Selbstbehalt / Versicherungsjahr Basic: Ja120,– EUR Comfort: kein Selbstbehalt Premium: kein Selbstbehalt
Kostenerstattung Heilbehandlungskosten nach GOÄ/GOZ in Deutschland Basic: Jabis max. 1,8 facher Satz Comfort: Jabis max. 2,3 facher Satz Premium: Jabis max. 2,3 facher Satz
Notfallservice weltweit Basic: Ja Comfort: Ja Premium: Ja
Nachhaftung Basic: Ja4 Wochen Comfort: Ja4 Wochen Premium: Ja8 Wochen
Überführungskosten bei Tod/Bestattungskosten Basic: Jabis 25.000,– EUR Comfort: Jabis 25.000,– EUR Premium: Jabis 25.000,– EUR
Geltungsbereich weltweit (ohne USA, Kanada, Mexiko) Basic: Ja Comfort: Ja Premium: Ja
Versicherungsschutz im Heimatland (laufzeitabhängig) Basic: Ja Comfort: Ja Premium: Ja
Behandlung von psychischen Erkrankungen (auch stationär) mit Ausnahme von Psychoanalyse und Psychotherapie Basic: Ja Comfort: Ja Premium: Ja
Versicherungskarte Basic: Jadigital Comfort: Jadigital Premium: Jadigital
Rückerstattung bei Leistungsfreiheit innerhalb eines Versicherungsjahres Basic: - Comfort: Ja2 Monatsprämien Premium: Ja2 Monatsprämien
Ausfallgeld bei schwerer Erkrankung Basic: - Comfort: Ja1.500,– EUR/ Versicherungsjahr Premium: Ja2.500,– EUR/ Versicherungsjahr
Transportkosten für Besuch eines Familienangehörigen bei stationärer Krankenhausbehandlung von mehr als 14 Tagen Basic: - Comfort: Ja 500,– EUR Premium: Ja 1.250,– EUR
Krankenhaustagegeld (pauschal 100,– EUR bei Krankenhausaufenthalten von mehr als 14 Tagen) Basic: - Comfort: - Premium: Ja

*Den genauen Leistungsumfang entnehmen Sie bitte den Versicherungsbedingungen

Prämienübersicht Care College
Produkt Care College Basic Care College Comfort Care College Premium
1. - 24.
Monat /
bis 29 Jahre
1. - 24.Monat / bis 29 Jahre
24,50 EUR
1. - 24.Monat / bis 29 Jahre
32,00 EUR
1. - 24.Monat / bis 29 Jahre
48,00 EUR
1. - 24.
Monat /
ab 30 Jahre
1. - 24.Monat / ab 30 Jahre
30,00 EUR
1. - 24.Monat / ab 30 Jahre
48,00 EUR
1. - 24.Monat / ab 30 Jahre

75,00 EUR
Ab dem
25. Monat /
bis 29 Jahre
Ab dem
25. Monat / bis 29 Jahre
49,50 EUR
Ab dem
25. Monat / bis 29 Jahre
57,00 EUR
Ab dem
25. Monat / bis 29 Jahre

73,00 EUR
Ab dem
25. Monat /
ab 30 Jahre
Ab dem
25. Monat / ab 30 Jahre

55,00 EUR
Ab dem
25. Monat / ab 30 Jahre

73,00 EUR
Ab dem
25. Monat / ab 30 Jahre

99,00 EUR
Why does the premium rate in the College Basic/Comfort/Premium plans increase after 24 months?

The longer someone is insured, the higher the risk of an insured event occurring for the insurer. Therefore we can offer a lower premium rate for short term stays.

Au-Pair insurance "Care Au-Pair"

What needs to be done in the case of a change in the au pair situation?

It is not uncommon for an au pair to change families during their stay abroad or for the host family to change au pairs.

In these cases the contract of the previous host parents has to be terminated and the new host family has to sign a follow-up or new contract.

Health insurance for foreign guests | Care Economy

How can I extend the contract?

Within the maximum duration of coverage of 730 days you can extend your insurance policy. The application for extension must be submitted via our My Care Concept Kundenportal or online Service Portal before the original insurance policy expires.

Your application for extension may also be rejected by us. We therefore advise you to take out coverage for the entire duration of your stay from the outset.

What is the premium rate for the extension period?

In the case of an extension, the entire period of coverage is the basis upon which the premium calculation is made. The payment already made for the original period of coverage will be credited, e.g:

Example: one-time payment
Age of the insured person: up to 64 years old
Originally requested duration of coverage:  90 days Premium
(90 x 1.00 EUR): 90.00 EUR
Extension by  90 days Premium for the extension period
(90 x 1.35 EUR): 121.50 EUR
Premium for the entire period of coverage: 211.50 EUR
Example: one-time payment

Age of the insured person:
up to 64 years old

Originally requested duration of coverage:: 90 days

(90 x 1.00 EUR): 90.00 EUR

Extension by 90 days

Premium for the extension period:
(90 x 1.35 EUR): 121.50 EUR

Premium for the entire period of coverage:
211.50 EUR

© Care Concept AG 2024

Care Concept AG
Ihr zuverlässiger Partner für Krankenversicherung im Ausland